Avina brings IT Helpdesks to life. Avinais your next bestIT hire
Avina was created to secure and automate the most annoying Helpdesk tasks. Avina helps uncover Deepfake attacks, automate end-user requests, and tag in a human when needed.
Incredibleconversation, Secureresults
Fruitless deepfake attacks on the Helpdesk. User requests of the IT Helpdesk are now a breeze. Every language. Every region. Supported from Day 1
Deepfake Protection
Stop the Helpdesk breaches. Let Avina handle it.
Latest Technology
Backed by LLMs such as OpenAI, Avina is extremely flexible and responsive to your needs. Avina is also conversationally pleasant to every user, regardless of language
All in One
One call center for every IT request. Fully automated. The future is here.
"Wow, Avina is a gamechanger 🤯"
-Avina Fans
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Tickets resolved while you sleep. Attackers outsmarted.